Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bad Marketing

Someone...and I don't know who it would be. It is who ever is in charge of marketing and/or release dates at Mattel-Hot Wheels, or it is the guy in charge of marketing and licences for Paramount Pictures. Here we are in the second week of June and still waiting for the release of the die-cast Star Trek ships.

I realize that the movie is doing well...and I by no means have a degree in marketing, but it seems to me that the smart thing to do would have been to capitalize on all the hype and free marketing in the days leading up to the release of the new "Star Trek" movie. Even Playmates got their stuff (questionable as it was) into the stores to take advantage of the hype.

I think I understand the wait for part of the line (as they are ships from previous Star Trek movies and rush for them), but none of the new ships have hit the stores as of this posting. What the...? Even myself...always a sucker for the ships, is very quickly losing interest in picking these up...and most of the collector and online toy store sites only say "June 2009" as the release date for them! Nothing like striking while the iron is hot! I think that someone, somewhere needs a good swift kick in the butt...and be handed a "pink slip". Hey...times are tough everywhere!

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