Saturday, June 21, 2014

Coolest Idea You Will See This Week!

Saw this, and just had to share. Keeps track of your keys and your charger cord. This is the coolest and most clever idea I have ever seen.

Super Saturday!

So I have decided to try and do a post at least once a week minimum. In a perfect world, I would have many fantastic and interesting posts every day, 7 days a week but sadly I am far too lazy for that right now. So to that end I have chosen to create "Super-Saturdays"! Because Superman is just plain neat.

For the first posting in this series, you have to start at the beginning of course. Seventy-six years ago, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster gave us the first "super-hero" and kicked off a whole new genre and industry of comic books and everything cool that goes with!

The first incarnation of "Superman"... as a villain!

Friday, June 6, 2014

70th Anniversary D-Day

The 6th of June, 1944. Operation Overlord begins, a day late due to bad weather. The writing is on the wall for the Axis powers in control of Europe.

Such very much hinged on this one massive operation. The very success of  the war against Hitler, Germany, and the reign of Fascism in Europe rested on the young men of the United States, Great Britain and Canada as well as other allied nations. Amazing that even though all the official, carefully laid plans of the Generals had turned to chaos within minutes of the landing, that the Allied Forces prevailed that day. Once the beachheads were secured the liberation of Europe could begin, and the end of the Nazi nightmare was one big step nearer its inevitable end.

Canadian Troops landing on Juno Beach 6 June 1944

70 years have passed, and the number of WWII vets that are still around grows smaller every year. Just another reason to always remember the sacrifice given by those young men who never came home and those who did.