Spent a great deal of time today thinking. Thinking about the men and women serving our country, both past and present. My great uncle who fought in "The Great War" before we had the misfortune to start numbering them. To my wife, a twenty year vet with three tours to Afghanistan, and my son who has been a service member for about a year and a half, as well as the many friends of our family both retired and still active. Thank you.
A sad thought also. One hundred years ago today, November 11, 1914, many of the family's of the young men who went overseas to fight were expecting their fathers, sons and brothers home soon. At the outbreak of the war just 3 and a half months earlier, the thought was this would be over in a couple of months and the men would be home in time for Christmas. The true horror of what was to come had not really hit home yet.
One of the more thought provoking things this year was this artistic display outside the Tower of London. A ceramic poppy for every British and Commonwealth soldier killed during World War I.
"Never Forget"