One type of marketing that can be very effective is this type of viral marketing when it is done right. This one is done right.
A clever idea, well timed with the fiftieth anniversary of the JFK assassination. It makes the implication that the Magneto may have had something to do with the famous "magic bullet". For those not in the know, the allegation is that the one bullet that past through JFK's neck and into Governor Connally somehow changed direction to have caused the injury's that it did.
This is just a brilliant idea for promoting interest in "X-MEN: Days of Future Past" as part of the movie takes place in the 1960's. As well as the "documentary" style YouTube Video, they have a whole website to go check out. ( When done right this kind of advertising can make people unfamiliar with the movie or subject matter curious to see it or learn more, and makes fans of the X-Men movies even more ravenous and exited for this new movie. Well done!